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Special issue: Selected papers from the bioarchaeology session at the 8th ICAANE in Warsaw
Cover (small) | Cover (large) | Editorial

Wieslaw Wieckowski, Susan Cohen, Henk K. Mienis, Liora Kolska Horwitz
The excavation and analysis of porcupine dens and burrowing on ancient and recent faunal and human remains at Tel Zahara (Israel), pp. 3-20.
Abstract, PDF (6385 KB)

Carmen del Cerro
Biological remains at al-Madam (Sharjah, UAE). Archaeological, archaeobotanical and archaeozoological studies in an Iron Age farming-stockbreeding village, pp. 21-32.
Abstract, PDF (1381 KB)

Vladimir Kufterin, Nadezhda Dubova
A preliminary analysis of Late Bronze Age human skeletal remains from Gonur-depe, Turkmenistan, pp. 33-46.
Abstract, PDF (4878 KB)

Tina Greenfield, Dirk Wicke, Timothy Matney
Integration and interpretation of architectural and faunal evidence from Assyrian Tushan, Turkey, pp. 47-75.
Abstract, PDF (1948 KB)

Issue date: 5 November 2013